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Acetyl-CoA Colorimetric Assay Kit (E-BC-K652-M)

All Size Price Qty
96T $ 490.00
48T $ 350.00
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For research use only.

Detection Principle Malate and NAD+ form oxoacetate and NADH under the action of malate dehydrogenase, then acetyl-coa and oxoacetate form coenzyme A and citrate under the action of citrate synthetase. The content of acetyl-coA can be calculated by measuring the change of absorbance value at 340 nm.
Synonyms Acetyl-CoA
Sample Type Animal tissue
Detection Method Colorimetric method
Detection Instrument Microplate reader (330-350 nm, optimum wavelength: 340 nm)
Research Area Tricarboxylic Acid(TCA)Cycle ,  Mitochondria Function ,  Energy Metabolism
Storage This product can be stored at -20°C for 12 months with shading light.
Valid Period 12 months
Sensitivity 150 nmol/mL
Detection Range 150-500 nmol/mL
Precision inter-assay CV: 5.3% | intra-assay CV: 0.04
Assay Time 30 min
Cat.No. Product Name Sizes
E-BC-K083-M α-Ketoglutarate Dehydrogenase (α-KGDH) Activity Assay Kit 96T

The recommended dilution factor for different samples is as follows (for reference only):

Sample Type Dilution Factor
10% Rat lung tissue homogenate 1
10% Rat liver tissue homogenate 1
10% Rat spleen tissue homogenate 1
10% Rat kidney tissue homogenate 1
10% Mouse lung tissue homogenate 1
10% Mouse kidney tissue homogenate 1

The diluent is normal saline (0.9% NaCl) or PBS (0.01 M, pH 7.4). For the dilution of other sample types, please do pretest to confirm the dilution factor.

Other Clones

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Chromogenic Biotin

Cyanine 3

Cyanine 5

Cyanine 5.5

Cyanine 7

Elab Fluor®405

Elab Fluor®430

Elab Fluor®488

Elab Fluor®568

Elab Fluor®594

Elab Fluor®647

Elab Fluor®680

Elab Fluor®700

Elab Fluor®750

Elab Fluor®Red 780

Elab Fluor®Violet 450








detection instrument

{{assayDetailsPage.numTotal}} Results

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