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Cell Culture

Cell culture is a fundamental experimental technique to life science, widely used in scientific research and industrial production. Elabscience® provides classical basal media, complete growth media for primary cells and cell lines, and various supplements & reagents to meet researchers' needs.

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Cell Culture


  • Ready-to-use


  • Long storage time

    Long storage time

  • Strict quality control

    Strict quality control

  • Cost-effective


  • Technical support

    Technical support

Product Categories

  • Classical Basic Medium

    Classical Basal Media

    Classical basal media contain various amino acids, vitamins, carbohydrates, inorganic salts ions and other nutrients required for cell growth to maintain optimal conditions.

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  • Complete Growth Medium

    Complete Growth Media

    Complete growth media contain the basal media and other additives required for cell growth and have been rigorously tested on nearly 1,000 different types of cells.

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  • Supplements & Reagents

    Supplements & Reagents

    Supplements and reagents enable the researchers to customize their media to suit specific cell culture applications.

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