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PBS Buffer, pH7.4 (10×) (E-BC-R187)

All Size Price Qty
500mL $ 22.00
200mL $ 15.00
100mL $ 10.00
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For research use only.

Product Introduction PBS buffer is a phosphate buffer, which provides a relatively stable ionic environment and pH buffering capacity and is the most commonly used buffer for biochemistry. When you prepare the WB samples, pre-cooled PBS are used to wash the surface of tissues and internal debris or cell culture medium to prevent the interference of endogenous IgG or culture medium.
Applications WB,  IHC,  IF
Storage Store at room temperature for 12 months.
Shipping Biological ice pack at 4 ℃
Cautions 1. PBS may precipitate when stored at low temperature. If PBS precipitates, please dissolve PBS in water bath at 37°C before use.
2. Please pay attention to sealed storage to avoid contamination.
3. For your safety and health, please wear the lab coat and disposable gloves before the experiments.
Cat.No. Product Name Sizes
E-BC-R335 TBST Buffer, pH7.4 (10×) 500mL , 200mL , 100mL
E-IR-R116 TBS Buffer, pH7.4 (10×) 500mL , 200mL , 100mL
E-IR-R310 PBST Buffer,pH7.4 (10×) 500mL
Other Clones

{{antibodyDetailsPage.numTotal}} Results

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{{formatDetailsPage.numTotal}} Results


Chromogenic Biotin

Cyanine 3

Cyanine 5

Cyanine 5.5

Cyanine 7

Elab Fluor®405

Elab Fluor®430

Elab Fluor®488

Elab Fluor®568

Elab Fluor®594

Elab Fluor®647

Elab Fluor®680

Elab Fluor®700

Elab Fluor®750

Elab Fluor®Red 780

Elab Fluor®Violet 450








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