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Proteinase K Lyophilized Powder (E-IR-R109U)

All Size Price Qty
100g $ 20000.00
10g $ 2750.00
1g $ 350.00
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For research use only.

Product Introduction Proteinase K is a kind of high activity Proteinase of subtilisin, which is used to degrade proteins in biological samples. It can be used to digest various proteins, and it can be used in a variety of molecular biology, cell biology and other related experiments, such as genomic DNA extraction, enzyme digestion and removal, cell permeability and so on.
Enzyme activity, > 30 U/mg. At 37°C, the amount of Proteinase K that can produce amino acids or polypeptides equivalent to 1 micromol of tyrosine Folin positive in one minute with hemoglobin as the substrate is defined as a unit of Proteinase K activity.
The effective pH range of Proteinase K is pH4.0~12.5, and the optimal pH range is pH7.5~8.0.
The optimum reaction temperature of Proteinase K is 65°C, but at 65°C or higher, Proteinase K can also degrade rapidly. It is suggested that the optimum reaction temperature is 50~55°C.
Applications IF,  FCM
Storage Store at RT or lower temperature. For long time storage, the lyophilized powder is stable for at least 12 months at 2~8°C.
Shipping Ice bag
Other Clones

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Chromogenic Biotin

Cyanine 3

Cyanine 5

Cyanine 5.5

Cyanine 7

Elab Fluor®405

Elab Fluor®430

Elab Fluor®488

Elab Fluor®568

Elab Fluor®594

Elab Fluor®647

Elab Fluor®680

Elab Fluor®700

Elab Fluor®750

Elab Fluor®Red 780

Elab Fluor®Violet 450








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