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Peptide Synthesis Services

Elabscience® has a mature peptide synthesis and purification system, which can provide high-quality peptide synthesis, peptide conjugation, and various modified peptide synthesis services using Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis (SPPS) and liquid phase synthesis (LPPS) methods. We guarantee that:

·Repeatability between batches ensures consistency: Automated peptide synthesis minimizes operational errors and strictly ensures peptide content, purity, and experimental repeatability.

·Validate the comprehensive quality of each peptide: Each stage of the peptide synthesis process is monitored by ESI-MS and RP-HPLC.

·Any peptide technical issues during the experiment can be discussed and studied with technical experts and R&D personnel.

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Peptide synthesis services

Service Features

Well experienced

Well experienced

Short production cycle

Short production cycle

Success rate ≥ 99%

Success rate ≥ 99%

One-stop service

One-stop service

Peptide Synthesis Service Process

Customer consultation and request

Customer consultation and request

Scheme determination and contract signing

Scheme determination and contract signing

Peptide Synthesis

Peptide Synthesis

Quality control

Quality control

Delivery of purified peptides and project report

Delivery of purified peptides and project report

Service Commitment

• Each peptide will be accompanied by HPLC and MS test reports. Our company will not ship unqualified products.

• Various modified peptides can be customized, such as phosphorylation, glycosylation, and other modifications.

• We can provide carrier protein-coupled peptide services, including KLH, BSA, OVA, and other carrier proteins.