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Transient Protein Expression Services in Mammalian Cells

Mammalian cells possess protein folding and post-translational modification functions, and the recombinant proteins expressed by them are the closest to the natural protein structure of higher organisms in terms of molecular structure, physicochemical properties, and biological functions. Elabscience has an experienced technical team that uses high-density suspension-cultured CHO and HEK293 cells as expression hosts. Using independently developed protein expression vectors, it can ensure protein expression levels in a short period of time, with a purity of over 95%. The specific content includes:

• Gene Design and Codon Optimization Expression Evaluation Report

• Selectable eukaryotic expression vectors of 6× His, Fc, Flag, HA, Biotin, etc.

• Transient transfection of HEK293/CHO cells, protein purification conditions, and SDS-PAGE identification results

• Subsequent processing of proteins, such as tag removal, endotoxin removal, protein labeling, MS identification, and other related services

Transient Protein Expression Services in Mammalian Cells

Features of Transient Protein Expression in Mammalian Cells

Well Experienced

Well experienced

One-stop service

One-stop service

Experimental success rate ≥ 98%

Experimental success rate ≥ 98%

Independently developed, unique vector

Independently developed, unique vector

Service Process

Service Categories Service Name Details Time Deliverables Price
Transient Expression of Mammalian Cellular Proteins Gene synthesis Gene synthesis and codon optimization 1 week

① A successfully constructed cloning vector

② Sequencing report

Vector construction Cloning to expression vector 1 week
Plasmid construction
Large-scale plasmid production
Expression evaluation Transforming suitable cells (HEK293F/CHO) 2 weeks

① Expression of evaluation results

Small-scale transfection
SDS-PAGE analysis to evaluate protein expression
Transiently transfected expression Transiently transfect cells 2 weeks

① Feasibility report

② If expression purification is feasible, provide a certain amount of protein samples to customers based on the expression situation

Cell supernatant affinity purification
SDS-PAGE analysis to evaluate protein expression
Large-scale expression and purification (optional) Choice of 1L scale-up culture or bioreactor Determined by volume

① Purified protein

② SDS-PAGE report

③ Experimental report

Affinity purification
SDS-PAGE analysis to evaluate protein expression

Service Flow

Customer Consultation and Request

Customer consultation and request

Scheme Determination and Contract Signing

Scheme determination and contract signing

Project Initiation

Project initiation

Protein Test

Project initiation

Protein Delivery Submit a Lab Report

Protein delivery submit a lab report