Flow Cytometry
Flow Cytometry Troubleshooting Tips
Source: Elabscience®Published: Jan 18,2024
1. Weak fluorescence signals or no fluorescence expression
Improper storage or operation of antibody
Store at 2~8℃ and protect from prolonged exposure to
light, avoid freeze/thaw circles.
Fluorescence quenching
Fluorescent antibody and sample added with
fluorescent antibody should avoid to light.
High auto-fluorescence
Change the fluorescent dyes to avoid dyes that emit
light the same with cell auto-fluorescence.
Incorrect dyeing time or temperature
Adjust the dyeing time and temperature properly.
Use the wrong staining solution to stain
intracellular proteins
For optimal intracellular protein staining, cell
fixation and membrane breaking should be performed using the correct fixation agent to detect
cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins.
Secretory intracellular proteins
For flow cytometry detect, secretory proteins such as
cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors must be retained in cells using blockers.
Protein is down regulated, internalized, or shear cut
from cells
Make sure that the stimulating conditions adopted
will not affect protein localization.
The target protein is low expressed in the sample
For the antigen with low expression, the brightest
fluorescent dye must be used in dyeing. Sometimes two step staining can improve sensitivity, for
example, using biotin-Labeled antibody first, then fluorescent labeled secondary antibody
staining was used.
Antigens damaged by cell separation or frozen storage
Enzyme used to collect cells from solid tissues or
from cell dishes may destroy surface proteins, so try to prepare cells with none enzymatic
reagents,and check the reagents used to prepare the cells and the storage/handling of the cells
to make sure the reagents will not affect antigens.
Abnormal performance of laser
Use flow cytometer to set up and track (CS&T)
microspheres to check laser calibration and function.
Incorrect use of filter
Check the excitation wavelengths and emission
wavelengths of the fluorescent dyes to make sure that the correct laser and filter used to
collect the data.
Overcompensation of data
Using single staining control and Fluorescence Minus
One (FMO) control to set compensation each time.
Incorrect cell gate
Ensuring the correct setting of cell group, use
reactive dyes and set up gate for single cell group can significantly reduce false positive.
Incorrect data analysis
In order to show the rare cells or dyed gloomy cells
excellently, dual parameters were used to observe the cells.
2. High background of fluorescence/non-specific staining
High auto-fluorescence
Samples with the same stimulus condition but without
any staining are used as controls for auto-fluorescence.
Antibodies bind to dead cells
Use active dyes to exclude dead cells.
Cy5 dyes
Cy5 and other blue dyes will combine with some cell
Fc receptors, such as mononuclear cells and macrophages, please use other fluorescent dyes.
High concentration of antibody
Titrate the amount of antibody to make sure the
dosage of the antibody is suitable.
The dyeing time is too long
According to the expression of the cell protein,
optimizing the antibody concentration and incubation time.
Insufficient washing
Increase washing times after dyeing.
Insufficient compensation regulation
Using single staining control and Fluorescence Minus
One (FMO) control to set compensation for the experiment.
3. Fluorescence abnormality
Incorrect isotype control concentration
Use the same concentration of isotype control as
detection antibody.
The isotype control and detect antibody from
different manufacturers
Use the isotype control and the detection antibody
from the same manufacturer.
Cell adhesion or dead cells are included in the
Set up cell group gate and use active dyes to exclude
adhesion and dead cells.
The immobilized and broken membrane fluid may affect
the cell characteristics
Adjust the threshold to ensure that the cell
processes within the threshold range.
Stimulation conditions change cell characteristics
Cells are identified using marker anticyclic gate.