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Food Safety Kits and Reagents

Elabscience® is a global supplier of food and feed safety solutions, offering an array of innovative testing solutions for the qualitative and quantitative detection of mycotoxins, hormones, antibiotics, vitamins, microorganisms, allergens, and other analytes in food, feed, and biological fluids.

Elabscience® food safety kits feature over 5 sample pretreatment solutions and undergo a rigorous verification process. Each product can verify more than 5 natural samples with a coefficient of variation of less than 5%. These kits encompass various types in one package, maintaining consistent storage temperature, long shelf life, easy operation, quick detection time, and stable product performance. They are extensively employed in large-scale industrial testing and precise scientific research experiments.

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Food Safety Kits and Reagents

Analytes Categories

Residues & Contaminants

Detection of hormones, anabolics, antibiotics and other drug residues in different matrices.


Elabscience® mycotoxins test kits allow rapid qualitative and quantitative analysis of mycotoxins.


To measure the exact concentration of vitamins in matrices.

Folic acid Pantothenic acid Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic acid) Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxin) Vitamin B7 (Biotin) Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) Inositol


Different categories of microbiological contamination. organisms, Pathogenic bacteria, Viruses, Bacterial toxins.

Food Allergens

Food allergies occur when the body's immune system reacts to certain proteins in food.


Product Applications

Livestock & Aquaculture

Provide detection of fish and shrimp, chicken, cattle and sheep and other animal muscle and liver kit solutions, such as chloramphenicol, neomycin, penicillin, bacitracin, etc.

Plant-Based Food

Provide detection of substances extracted from beans, cereals, feed, nuts, medicinal materials and their derivatives kit. Such as aflatoxin B1, deoxynivalenol, ochratoxin A, β-agonist, etc.

Honey & Egg

Provide testing solutions for substances extracted from honey, eggs and their processed products. Such as nitrofurazone, doxycycline, metronidazole, ciprofloxacin, etc.

Biological Fluids

Provide solutions for detecting substances extracted from serum, urine, and cell-related fluids. Such as T-2 toxin, clenbuterol, metronidazole, ciprofloxacin, etc.

Seasoning & Edible liquid

Provides solutions for detecting substances extracted from oils, beverages, chilli powder, and juices. Such as fumonisin, biotin, sudan I, salmonella, etc.

Product Features


• Intra-assay CV:5%
• No Species Restriction
• Valid Time: 6-12 Months
• Natural Sample Validation

Multiple Analytical

• ELISA, LFDS, PCR, Microbiological
• Industrial, Life Sciences Areas
• Applicable Sample Types: 5+
• Food, Cellular Fluids, Body Fluids
Analytes/Methods LFDS ELISA PCR Microbiological
Residues & Contaminants
Food Allergens
Characteristics Rapid Efficient Highly Specific High Accuracy
Incubation Time 5-10 min 15-75 min 27.5 min 44 h
Result Type Qualitative Qualitative/Quantitative Qualitative/Quantitative Quantitative
Storge 25℃ 4℃ - 20℃ 4℃