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Recombinant Proteins

Recombinant protein is a modified form of protein produced through recombinant DNA technology. By inserting the DNA encoding the protein into bacterial or mammalian cells, we can obtain quantities of the target proteins after amplification, expression, and purification. Elabscience® offers a diverse selection of more than 4,000 proteins for your research, including cytokines, growth factors, immune checkpoint proteins, CD antigens, Fc receptors, enzymes, hormones, and more.

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Recombinant Proteins

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Custom Recombinant Protein Services

Elabscience's custom recombinant protein services provide a comprehensive portfolio of protein expression systems, including bacteria, yeast, baculovirus-infected insect cells, and mammalian cells. We offer the ideal level of protein purity for your downstream applications. With customized solutions, flexible production scales, and proprietary technologies, we partner with our clients to ensure efficient and high-quality reagent protein production, process development, and scale-up production of biologics for research purposes.

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• Diversified Choices
Covering Various Targets, Multiple Tags
• High Quality
High Purity ( > 95%), Lower Endotoxin ( < 1.0 EU/µg), Activity Validation
• Strict Quality Control
Standardized Operation Procedures, GMP-level Workshop
• Multiple Expression System
E.coli, Yeast, Mammalian Cells,Baculovirus-insect Cells
• Technical Support
Complete Pre-sales and After-sales Support


Elabscience® products have been cited in over 16,000 papers published in SCI journals, with a total impact factor exceeding 58,000 for those papers using our products. Our products are featured in many top journals in biological research, such as Nature Medicine, Nature, Cell, Immunity, Molecular Cancer, Circulation, Advanced Materials and others.