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RIPA Lysis Buffer (Strong) (E-BC-R327)

All Size Price Qty
100mL $ 80.00
50mL $ 60.00
20mL $ 25.00
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For research use only.

Product Introduction RIPA Lysis Buffer is a traditional rapid cell tissue lysate used as the preferred lysate for protein extraction from tissues or cells in the Western Blot assay.
Applications WB
Storage Store at -20°C for 12 months.
Shipping Biological ice pack at 4 ℃
Cautions 1. All steps to lyse samples should be performed on ice or at 4°C.
2. It is recommended to add 10 μL PMSF and 10 μL Na3VO4 to 1 mL RAPI Lysis before use. If RIPA Lysis is precipitated, please dissolve at room temperature or in a warm water bath.
3. It is normal for a clear gelatinous substance to appear in the lysate of RIPA lysate. This transparent gel is a complex containing genomic DNA. Repeatedly blowing the sample with a pipette about 50 times can effectively reduce the viscosity of the sample. After centrifugation, the supernatant can be taken for subsequent experiments.
4. The tissue or cell sample lysed by RIPA Lysis Buffer cannot be measured by the Bradford method because of the high concentration of detergent in the lysis. It is recommended to measure the protein concentration by the BCA method.
5. For your safety and health, please wear the lab coat and disposable gloves before the experiments.
Cat.No. Product Name Sizes
E-IR-R304A Western Blot Detection Kit 50Assays
E-IR-R304B High Accuracy and Absorbability Western Blot Detection Kit 50Assays
Other Clones

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Other Formats

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Chromogenic Biotin

Cyanine 3

Cyanine 5

Cyanine 5.5

Cyanine 7

Elab Fluor®405

Elab Fluor®430

Elab Fluor®488

Elab Fluor®568

Elab Fluor®594

Elab Fluor®647

Elab Fluor®680

Elab Fluor®700

Elab Fluor®750

Elab Fluor®Red 780

Elab Fluor®Violet 450








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