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Recombinant Protein Expression Service

Elabscience® focuses on soluble protein expression and active protein expression and currently has a mature prokaryotic expression and mammalian cell expression system.

We can provide a one-stop service starting from codon optimization, gene synthesis, and vector construction to protein expression and purification. According to customer needs, different expression/purification tags and expression hosts can be selected, and sterile and low-endotoxin proteins can be provided, truly meeting the particular customization needs of our customers.

Get a Quote

Recombinant Protein Expression Service

Introduction to the Service

  • 20+ years

    Protein expression experience

  • 3500+

    Successfully delivered projects

  • 98%

    Success rate

  • 100%

    Supernatant expression

Inquiry for Custom Protein Expression Services

If you have any questions, Please contact us for customized protein expression services

Inquiry for Custom Protein Expression Services
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