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Prokaryotic Protein Expression Service

At Elabscience®, we only perform soluble expression in the supernatant, maximizing protein activity retention. We have a mature Escherichia coli expression and purification service platform, providing expression and purification services for recombinant proteins and their complexes in E. coli, including:

• Gene design and codon optimization expression evaluation report

• Expression and purification of recombinant proteins with multiple tags

• Protein purification conditions and SDS-PAGE identification results

• Subsequent processing of proteins, such as tag removal, endotoxin removal, protein labeling, MS identification, and other related services

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Prokaryotic Protein Expression Service

Service Features

Well Experienced

Well experienced

Experimental success rate ≥98%

Experimental success rate ≥98%

Multiple vectors available for selection

Multiple vectors available for selection

One-Stop Service

One-stop service

Service Flow

Customer consultation and request

Customer consultation and request

Scheme determination and contract signing

Scheme determination and contract signing

Project initiation

Project initiation

Protein Expression

Protein Expression

Protein delivery Submit a lab report

Protein delivery Submit a lab report

Service Commitment

• Elabscience® Biotech can provide a variety of E. coli expression strains, supplemented with different expression conditions, to ensure soluble expression

• Combined with gene design and codon optimization, protein expression and purification can achieve protein purity of more than 90%

• Provide a protein expression service report with sequencing report, induction conditions, purification conditions, and SDS-PAGE identification results

Case Presentation

Expression of soluble target protein in E. coli

Case Presentation