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High Accuracy and Absorbability Western Blot Detection Kit (E-IR-R304B)

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50Assays $ 230.00
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For research use only.

Product Introduction Western Blot (WB) is the most common and classical experimental method for detecting protein expression in the biological science. However, due to differences in reagent sources, methods of operation and experience used by different Laboratory Technician, a large number of WB experimental results do not meet the requirement of paper publishing. Elabscience has been focusing on the field of immunology for many years and has accumulated a lot of experience in WB operation. In order to help researchers solve the above problems, the Western Blot kit is now available. The reagents in this kit are provided for classical WB experiments, including all reagents needed from protein extraction to result detection, which have advantages of simple operation, high detection sensitivity, low background and strong system stability. And Elabscience provides detailed operation description and professional technical support. Additionally, it offers you convenience and guarantee to work out ideal Western Blot experiment results.

As the PVDF membranes have two pore sizes for different molecular weights of target proteins respectively. In order to meet different experimental requirements, we have designed two specifications of Western Blot kits.
E-IR-R304A (PVDF membrane, 0.45 μm) is recommended for the proteins detection with molecular weights more than 20 kDa.
E-IR-R304B (PVDF membrane, 0.22 μm) is recommended for the proteins detection with molecular weights less than 20 kDa.
Applications WB
Storage RT/ 2~8°C/ -20°C,Valid for 12 months.
Shipping Biological ice pack at 4 ℃
Cautions 1. This kit is only for scientific research and cannot be used in clinical experiments.
2. After receiving the kit, please store the regents according to the storage conditions in the manual.
3. For your safety and health, please take safety precautions and follow the procedures of laboratory reagent operation.
Cat.No. Product Name Sizes
E-AB-1001 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L)(peroxidase/HRP conjugated) 500μL , 120μL , 60μL
E-AB-1003 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L)(peroxidase/HRP conjugated) 500μL , 120μL , 60μL
E-BC-K318-M BCA Protein Colorimetric Assay Kit 500Assays , 96T
E-BC-R187 PBS Buffer, pH7.4 (10×) 500mL , 200mL , 100mL
E-BC-R266 PVDF Membrane (0.45 μm) 8.5cm×6cm×10pieces , 8.5cm×6cm×20pieces , 13.25cm×15cm×10pieces , 13.25cm×15cm×20pieces
E-BC-R273 Pre-stained Protein Marker (10~180 kDa) 500μL , 250μL , 2.5mL
E-BC-R288 5× SDS Loading Buffer 10mL , 5mL
E-BC-R327 RIPA Lysis Buffer (Strong) 100mL , 50mL , 20mL
E-BC-R337 Skim Milk Powder 50g , 10g , 5g
E-IR-R305 SDS-PAGE Gel kit 50Assays , 25Assays , 10Assays
E-IR-R307 Excellent Chemiluminescent Substrate (ECL)Detection Kit 500mL , 100mL , 50mL
Other Clones

{{antibodyDetailsPage.numTotal}} Results

Other Formats

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Chromogenic Biotin

Cyanine 3

Cyanine 5

Cyanine 5.5

Cyanine 7

Elab Fluor®405

Elab Fluor®430

Elab Fluor®488

Elab Fluor®568

Elab Fluor®594

Elab Fluor®647

Elab Fluor®680

Elab Fluor®700

Elab Fluor®750

Elab Fluor®Red 780

Elab Fluor®Violet 450








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