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P53 Signaling Pathway

Click on the targets in the map below to find Elabscience products related to the P53 Signaling Pathway.

P53 Signaling Pathway Ub FASLG TRAIL FAS DR4 TNFRSF10B UV lonizing Rediation Chemotherapy Death Receptor Signaling Cytochrome C P53 P53 P53 Bcl-x BAX BAX BAK1 Cyclophilin D BAX BAX Bcl-2 Caspase Cascade Caspase Apoptosis ADGRB1 GADD45 c-Fos CDK2 JNK P38 CSNK1 HIPK2 AKT ATR ATM CAK P CHEK1 P CHEK2 GSK3β BRCA1 PML AC P53 P P P53 AC P53 P AC P53 CBP SIRT HDAC P300 KAT2B PIAS1 HIF1α HIF1α Proteasome Degradation P53 Degradation Hypoxia Cyclin E Cyclin D1 CDK4/6 P RB MDM2 Ub P53 Ub P53 MDM2 E2F E2F P21 CIP TAP1 PTEN PTEN Gene Expression Cell Cycle Progression Angiogenesis Inhibition DNA Repair DNA Damage

P53 has been found most associated with human tumors of all genes. P53 mutations occur in the vast majority of tumor cells and in more than 50% of all malignant tumors. The protein encoded by this gene is a transcription factor that controls the initiation of the cell cycle. Many signals about cellular health are sent to P53 protein and it determines whether the cell enter a division cycle. P53 is a tumor suppressor protein that regulates the expression of a variety of genes, including apoptosis, growth inhibition, cell cycle progression inhibition, differentiation and acceleration of DNA repair, genotoxicity, and aging after cellular stress. Like all other tumor suppressors, P53 gene plays a slowing or monitoring role in cell division under normal conditions. In addition, P53 triggers apoptosis pathways only as a transcription factor which is independent from its activity.