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Focus on Developing and Manufacturing ELISA Assay Kits Over 14 Years. Set for your Academic Research.

If you encounter any of the following problems during your experiment, it's time to try Elabscience® high sensitivity and specificity ELISA assays.

Can’t find reliable reagents and assays?

Want to complete the test with more convenient operation and less time?

Try to detect the target with a smaller sample size?

ELISA Kit CiteAb Awards

High-quality optimized Elabscience® ELISA kits enable you to dectect specific targets with confidence, reliability, and consistency. You can opt for our QuicKey Pro™ ELISA Kit to complete the entire experiment in 90 min. Alternatively, you can also choose MS ELISA Kit, part of our new serie specially designed for mouse item detection, which reduces the sample volume to only 25 μL. Elabscience® ELISA Kits have contributed to researchers publish over 16,000+ papers in SCI journals, with the highest impact factor reaching up to 66.85. Now, you can purchase ELISA kits online or contact our distributors of Elabscience® all around the world.

Top 200 Best-Selling ELISA Kits from Elabscience®, Click for more details  >>

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Product Categories

Product Comparison

Items Traditional ELISA Kits Quickey Pro™ ELISA Kits MS ELISA Kits High Sensitivity ELISA Kits
Product Feature Various Protein Targets Minimum Experiment Time Less Sample Volume Highest Sensitivity
Detection Method Sandwich Competitive Sandwich Competitive Sandwich Sandwich
Sample Volume 100 μL 50 μL 50 μL 25 μL 100 μL
Operation Time 3.5 h 2.5 h 90 min 3.5 h 3.5 h
Operation Steps 3 Steps 2 Steps 1 Step 3 Steps 3 Steps
Sensitivity pg/mL pg/mL pg/mL fg/mL
Storage - 20℃/4℃ 4℃ - 20℃/4℃ - 20℃/4℃

Research Areas


Elabscience® products have been cited in over 16,000+ papers published by SCI journals, the total impact factor has been over 82,000 of those papers using our products, covering many top journals in biology research, such as Nature Medicine, Nature, Cell, Immunity, Molecular Cancer, Circulation, Advanced Materials,etc.