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TUNEL Assay Kits

An important feature of the late stage of apoptosis is DNA fragmentation, and the exposed 3'-OH of the fragmented DNA can be catalyzed by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) to bind to fluorochrome-labeled dUTP, which can be visualized by fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry. This method is also known as One-step method (higher detection sensitivity, more intuitive results, and easier experimental results to be published in SCI articles).

If the exposed 3'-OH groups are labeled with biotin-labeled dUTP (Biotin-dUTP) under the catalysis of TdT, and then combined with HRP-labeled Streptavidin (Streptavidin-HRP), the result can be visualized by DAB color development under the catalysis of HRP, apoptotic cells can then be detected by an ordinary optical microscope.

Elabscience® developed the TUNEL series of apoptosis kits, including the One-step TUNEL In Situ Apoptosis Kit, One-step TUNEL Flow Cytometry Apoptosis Kit, and TUNEL In Situ Apoptosis Kit (HRP-DAB Method). These kits can be used for apoptosis detection in tissue samples (paraffin-embedded, frozen sections) and cell samples (cell smears, cell culture films, suspension cells, adherent cells). Our TUNEL assay kits have high sensitivity, quick and easy operation, and can better assist in apoptosis research related to cell function and the R&D of related drugs.

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TUNEL Assay Kits

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